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SERVICES 服务范围- Civil Litigation 民事诉讼

Legal Actions

We can advise and represent you to commence or defend legal actions in the Provincial Court of British Columbia, Small Claims Division, and in the Supreme Court of British Columbia, We can act for you in a wide variety of civil matters including actions in tort, negligence, breach of contract and wrongful dismissal claims.


Personal Injuries

We can represent you in your motor vehicle accident claims with ICBC or other insurance companies. If you wish, our legal fees can be based upon the amount that you will recover.


Landlord-Tenant Disputes

We assist and represent both landlords and tenants in matters before the Residential Tenancy Branch, and in the Provincial Court and Supreme Court of British Columbia.



We can assist you in your debt collections and help you to obtain judgment and other relief including execution proceedings.


本律师事务所可以在各级卑诗省出庭 - 小额钱债法庭、卑诗省上诉庭、高等法院和地方法院作为阁下的代表起诉或辩护诉讼.  我们也可以在各类民事案件中作为阁下的代表。 例如: 侵权、疏忽、 违约、非法解雇等案.



本律师事务所可代表阁下向ICBC 或其它保险公司索偿, 例如因汽车意外所受的损失。


业主 - 租户争论

本律师事务所可出席卑诗省各级法院, 代表业主或租户处理有关租务诉讼.



本律师事务所可以协助有关债务诉讼, 包括执行程序.

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